Tag Archive for contract

Breach of Contract?

I was thinking about those problematic DACA kids  Yes, they were brought here with no say in the matter when they were very young, but, yes, they are here illegally because their parents came her illegally. Yet, consider this: our government told them that they could stay in this country indefinitely if they admitted to their status, signed up, gave their personal information, and paid a fee.  Thus, they became DACA kids and could continue with their college and employment and life out in the open, without fear of discovery.

Let’s see.  The kids did what they were asked, and the government accepted their money for it. The agreement was completed.  Isn’t that a signed, sealed, and delivered CONTRACT?  It meets the criteria for a contract.

My question is, then, if a DACA kid is deported, can he sue the U.S. Government for breach of contract?

Making Safer Teen Drivers

Believe it or not, studies show that parents are the greatest influence over a teen’s driving habits, both before and after the kids receive their licences.  One tool many parents have used to keep their kids safe while driving is a contract.  The kids will call the idea dumb, but it works.  Possibly because kids function best when they know the rules and specific consequences.

If you have a teen driver now or coming up, sit down with him or her with a contract and talk about each provision.  (The talking itself is a  good deterrent to risky driving habits.)  Some are more simple than others.  Below are links to several you might take a look at.  Choose one that fits your family best.

Allstate — https://www.allstatefoundation.org/pdf/Parent-Teen-Agreement-MI.pdf

AAA — http://teendriving.aaa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Parent.Teen_.Driving.Agreement.pdf

American Academy of Pediatrics —    https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/pdf/driving_contract-a.pdf


An MVP in TWO Ways

Here’s an upbeat story to counteract all the stories of harm done by famous sports stars.  Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder guard, won a new car as MVP and promptly turned it over to a single mom as a way to brighten her life and as a reward for “all the hard work she’s done to keep her family together.”  A local charity recommended this particular family to Westbrook.

I’m sure that Westbrook will have many more chances at being given a car and other valuables, including some very lucrative contracts.  It’s nice to see him share his rewards for his hard work with someone who will be struggling for more years but now has needed reliable transportation for work and family, plus a chance to smile and feel good.

This is people helping people, the way things should be.  In life, Russell Westbrook really is an MVP.