Tag Archive for chocolate

The Power of Chocolate…and of Freedom

If two pieces of chocolate were your prized possession, who would you give them to and why?  What would your gift produce?  We can never anticipate what an act of kindness will result in, can we?  Seems like a good reason to hand out such acts as often as we can.

Here’s an example:


[Thanks to Correna Compton for this.]

Sad News: No More Chocolate

Get out your Kleenex, fellow chocolate-lovers.  Soon the cocoa plant–chocolate is made from its seeds–may be be no more.  Disease and pests are killing off cocoa crops, thanks in large part to monoculture, a cultivation method that makes the plants especially susceptible.

The main cause, though, according to many experts, falls in the lap of business. Although large corporations rake in the money, farmers have little incentive to grow cocoa because they make less than $1 a day doing so–not enough to support a farmer and his family.

Researchers are studying ways to save cocoa, which will take years. Right now, farmers can help by using sustainable farming methods in place of monoculture. They’re willing to do that, but it will take teamwork, with governments and us, so that farming this crop is practical.  Governments need to enact Fair Trade Agreements. Note that this isn’t “free Trade” but “FAIR Trade.” That’s a system in which more of the money goes to the actual workers and small farm owners rather than big agribusiness (people who’ve never even stepped foot on a farm).  As for us, we should buy Fair Trade chocolate for ourselves and as gifts, thus supporting the farmers who will then cultivate more cocoa for us to enjoy.

This is something to think about during this upcoming season of indulging ourselves.  Save chocolate and improve peoples’ lives: urge our legislators to make Fair Trade agreements, and buy Fair Trade chocolate.



For Busy Chocolate-Lovers

Happy news for us chocoholics! A study in England showed that employees who were given chocolate or shown videos of stand-up comics were actually 12% more productive.  OK, all you parents anticipating biting off chocolate bunny ears in a few weeks–your excuse is that you have a whole bunch of stuff to get done.