Before you buy more antimicrobial products, like wipes and hand soap, consider the conclusions resulting from studies done by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). You can read their abstract at But here are their conclusions:
“ The use of common antimicrobials for which acquired bacterial resistance has been demonstrated should be discontinued in consumer products unless data emerge to conclusively show that such resistance has no effect on public health and that such products are effective at preventing infection. Ultimately, antibiotic resistance must be controlled through judicious use of antibiotics by health care professionals and the public.”
For purposes other than disinfecting for illness, a good cleaning with products not containing antimicrobial (plain white vinegar works for a boatload of uses), kills many germs. One example scrubbing your hands for 20-30 seconds with plain soap. And, as studies are indicating, because antibacterials get into our air and water, not using them is healthier for our environment and our own health.