Tag Archive for animal

Updated Website/New Page

Just finished updating my www.JackieODonnell.net website. There’s a new bit of verse on the Poetry page and an Adept-Able Living page describing an exciting organization, a change in the service animal/landlord law, a semi-funny joke, and other tidbits for people living with disabilities.

I’ve added a new page, as well–Pop-Posts, where you can find the most popular postings from the last month or so, plus their comments, and add a comment of your own, if you wish.

Hope you enjoy!


Torture Animals: It’s Your Right

Maim and kill an animal so you can film it. It’s your Constitutional right, according to a Texas judge, U.S. District judge Sim Lake. Prohibiting you from making animal snuff films is infringing on your  First Amendment rights. Therefore, Judge Lake decided in favor of the couple who makes and distributes films in which puppies, kittens, rabbits, and other animals are tortured to death.

For more information, read Sam Wood’s article at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/nation_world/Judge_Animal_snuff_films_protected_by_1st_Amendment.html.