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Our Founding Fathers Used Cannabis

Don’t be shocked by this little-known fact from American history: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston comprised the committee appointed by the Continental Congress to write our Declaration of Independence.  They immediately sat down over a pile of cannabis. Well, actually, it was in the form of paper, since most paper of the time was made from cannabis hemp fiber. They finished the first draft of the Declaration on June 28, 1776, then the second on July 2, 1776. Because the final document was to be official, though, they printed it on parchment.

History does not report if they burned the two drafts–or if they inhaled…..

“Best Job I’ve Ever Had”

This man found a volunteer job that benefits himself and babies. Such volunteers are needed at most hospitals, so check into it if you’re interested in what he calls the best Job he’s ever had.

Dolphin-Swim Switch

Because I tend to look at life sideways, this one gave me a laugh.

Rosie Keeping Cool

It’s been HOT here–90s – 100s. We do all we can to cool off. To prove that Border Collies aren’t dumb, take a look at my dog’s answer–a close friendship with cool porcelain.

How to Celebrate the 4th of July

Today, on our nation’s birthday, it’s time to unite as Americans. To examine political rhetoric and call out lies and manipulations for their true purpose–to divide us further. To recognize that bigotry has no place here. To stand up against those who put themselves before our country. This, not fireworks, is the best way to celebrate the UNITED States of America!

A Not-Too-Subtle Hint for the 4th

Get the hint?

Test Them Both

Since Trump will be Biden’s current age in the middle of the next term, and since numerical age is such a tossed-around issue, I propose that both candidates be put through thorough physical, mental, and psychological testing right now by a team of renowned doctors unaffiliated with the candidates or political parties. Results should be made publicly within a week. Then we can move on to the real issues.

Vinegar isn’t Just for Salads

To avoid substances that are toxic to your family and planet, use white vinegar instead. 100 Uses of Vinegar That You have Never Heard of gives 100 uses for white vinegar (cleaning home and car; deodorizing; killing germs; eliminating laundry stains and odors; controlling weeds, ants, slugs, fleas on pets; soothing sunburn and insect bites; cooking; etc.).

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).

My Rules for Presidential Debates

If I were running things, I’d make Presidential candidates follow two rules during debates or be disqualified from running for election: 1) ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION THAT YOU’RE BEING ASKED! 2) NO LIES OR MISLEADING ANSWERS (last night fact-checkers found about 30 from Trump and 6 from Biden).


What Life’s About

Today’s Thursday Thought quote reminds us to live a positive future.

Life isn’t about what I’ve done, what I should’ve done, what I could’ve done….It’s about what I can do and what I will do.  (Unknown)