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Share Valentine Love

Valentine’s Day is almost here and you don’t have a gift for your Special Person.  Why not choose a gift that says, “Let’s share our love!”  Present Sweetie with something that benefits a group or cause.  Many companies dedicate proceeds from the sale of certain products to fighting cancer, preventing domestic violence, or helping victims of disasters.   Others offer “fair trade” products–food items, for example, whose production has been overseen to ensure that workers have not been enslaved or mistreated.   Possible gifts include cosmetics, gloves, scarves, T-shirts, fitness aids (exercise mats, heart-rate monitor watch, etc.), lunch boxes, coffee, and chocolate.

Click Away Hunger

You’re on the Internet anyway, so take a few minutes to do something to help the over 20 million adults and 13 million children in America who go hungry.  Go to and have fun.  Another easy on-line anti-hunger task is to go to, click on “Click to Give,” then on the “Hunger” tab. For each click, sponsors of the sites donate food.   In fact, keep both sites’ addresses in an email to yourself, marked “unread,” so you remember to do it each day as you read your email.  You may find other such sites as you wander around cyberspace.  If so, be sure to let us know so we can pass them on to others.

How Animals Get Into Heaven

If you’ve ever had a pet, you’ll understand this. You’ll remember the times they looked at you as though saying, “Go ahead and kick me–I’ll love you no matter what.” Of course, you didn’t kick them, but you didn’t always show your appreciation for their co-existing with humans.

Pipeline: a Cultural Threat

It’s official. The Dakota Access pipeline is operating illegally without a key permit, making it (according to the Appeals Court) illegal.

Now, the Biden Administration must decide by February 10 whether to shut it down while the government does a court-ordered environmental review — or allow it to continue to operate illegally.

We have a chance for Biden to shut down this pipeline now while we wait for a robust review that could shut down the pipeline permanently, a pipeline that endangers the land, therefore the lives, of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Read more on the petition (click on “View full petition text”), then sign it. Do it TODAY, because there are only a few days left.

Comic Strip Questioning

Sometimes a comic strip can give us a chuckle while reminding us of an important fact. Like this one.

The Power of Eye-Contact

Here’s your Thursday Thought for the day:

“It’s very hard to hate someone if you look them in the eye and recognize them as a human being.” —  Maya Angelou

Facebook & Fun

I joined Facebook ‘way back when because I could keep up with news from family and friends in other locations. I could get a chuckle, learn something new, catch people up with my life…all sorts of fun things. Then Facebook became–well, you know. That’s why this appeals to me:

Black History Month? Who Cares?

Wonder what all the hype is about, why there’s even a Black History Month? Who started it, anyway, and why do people think it’s important, let alone celebrate? The answers to these and other questions can be found in Black History Month Is for Everyone. Take a look.

About Paper Shredding

Unless you need to, do NOT shred paper before recycling.  Shredding shortens the length of the all-important fibers. Ex: a piece of computer paper can be recycled 6-8 times but only 0-1 time if shredded.

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[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

Science? Love It!

I watched the federal government’s new Covid experts catch us up on what’s going on, followed by answering questions via Zoom. They gave straightforward facts and statistics and answered questions directly. There was no political spin, and when they gave their opinions, they made it clear that was their opinions, based on science.

It was informative and made me feel that we’re finally doing something to fight this pandemic. Science and direct answers make me feel so much safer and hopeful.