Archive for admin

Cowboy Motto

Today’s Thursday Thought quote brings us some old fashioned, basic wisdom that cowboys — and cowboys (and cowgirls) at heart live by.

Enjoy those Asian Characters?

Violence and prejudice against Asians is rampant in our country. The news makes it seem like it’s something new. It isn’t. Much of it is based on stereotypes we’ve perpetuated by accepting and enjoying on TV and movies. Evaluate your own attitude by watching this short YouTube video:   

Best Friends

Today is Best Friends Day. If we’re lucky, we have one. That’s someone who “gets us,” who loves us despite our faults, who listens to us, who gives us hugs and advice, whichever is needed, who is always there for us. Call and send an e-card to your best friend today, just to remind them how much you appreciate them. Happy Best Friends Day to my best friend.

That Ever-Present Middle Line

I just finished taking AARP’s Smart Driver course. It was a pretty good refresher (there ARE some new things to learn) and a discount on my auto insurance. In the process, I came across an interesting fact.

That white line going down the middle of the roadways? Here’s it’s origin (taken from the AARP course): “Invented by Edward Hines, a Michigan resident and member of the Wayne County Road Commission from 1906 – 1938. The idea came to Mr. Hines after watching a leaky milk wagon leave a white trail down the road.”

Well, I found it interesting….

Warning to Vaccine-Rewards Winners

My state, CA, has its first drawing tonight to reward people who have already been vaccinated against Covid-19. Winners are to be notified via text or phone call, on the phone number given when registering to get the shot(s). Many states have similar lotteries and drawings. I wish what I’m about to say didn’t need to be said, but it’s a reminder for those of us who respond in excitement, without thinking.

I, for one, like many others, just hang up on phone calls and delete texts and emails that tell me I’ve won something. This time, though, I’ll give it a second thought.

BUT I won’t give personal information, like my Social Security number or date of birth UNTIL I arrive at an official government office to collect my winnings. In other words, since I expect these vaccine-related drawings to be a bonanza for scammers, I’ll be extra careful. Please, readers, do the same.

Lesson of the Ants

I’m not sure where I got today’s Thursday Thought, but I know it’s an old but wise idea:

If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a glass jar nothing will happen, but if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other. Reds believe that black is the enemy while black believes that red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. The same is true in society. Men vs Women — Left vs Right — Rich vs poor — Faith vs Science — Gossip, rumors, etc.

Before we fight each other, we must ask ourselves: Who rocked the jar?

The Real Danger of Social Security

There’s a lot of misinformation about Social Security out there. People say that illegal immigrants are collecting money. Others claim an ex-spouse is getting money that’s being taken from THEIR Social Security. Many people believe that Social Security is going broke. These and other myths are explored in AARP’s article 10 Social Security Myths That Refuse to Die.

Not only do these false claims make taxpayers and people on Social Security nervous, some of them feed the distrust and hatreds that are currently destroying our country. And THAT’S a real danger.

Take a look at the article.

How About Torture?

Many people feel that, when it comes to dangerous people like terrorists, torture is no longer immoral — it’s the only reasonable option if we’re to stop terrorism and show the world how strong we are. Morality aside, though, how effective is it? Since terrorists use it, why shouldn’t we? Sure, the U.S. has laws against it, but can’t and shouldn’t we change those laws? These and other questions are answered in Facts on Torture.

These are issues that should always be considered, but especially during June’s Torture Awareness Month.

Remember them ALL

On Memorial Day, let us remember with love and appreciation ALL those who died in service to our nation. Those who were killed in battle or died of wounds.  Those who returned home but later died as a result of diseases and conditions due to the environment they served in, such as Agent Orange. Those whose lives were so traumatized that they died of suicide, not being able to handle PTSD.  Those who returned but no longer had a life to return to and so died, homeless, on the streets.

Let us say thank you to all of them, and may they rest in the peace that they attempted to provide in our world.

What do Toothbrushes & Disposable Diapers Have in Common?

Ever wonder how long it takes things like cigarette butts, plastic, toothbrushes, or soda can rings to decompose while sitting in the landfill? The chart below tells us–and gives us good reason to avoid their use whenever possible and otherwise find new, creative uses for them,

MaterialEstimated Decomposition
Cigarette butts5 years
Plastic bags20 years
Plastic-lined coffee cups30 years
Plastic straws200 years
Soda can rings400 years
Plastic bottles450 years
Toothbrushes500 years
Disposable diapers500 years
Styrofoam500 years
Fishing line600 years