Archive for admin

Are You (Auto) Correct?

This cartoon is for anyone who uses autocorrect on their phone and has sent a message without proofreading it, thus saying something obscene or embarrassing.

What Candy to Avoid on Halloween

Halloween is almost here. Time to stock up on goodies for those cute little goblins at your door. If you choose to give out candy, here’s some important information.

Some major brands of chocolate use child labor and growing methods that are harming our Earth. Instead, buy lesser-known brands that don’t do either. Green America has put together a chocolate scorecard that evaluates the various brands. You’ll see, for example, that Hershey’s gets a full thumbs-up in all six categories, while Nestles has a thumbs-down and Godiva (save your money!) has two thumbs-down.

Then go to Put Down That Big-Name Chocolate to find other, lesser-known brands of chocolate made by companies who emphasize people (including children) and the Earth.

Happy Halloween!

The Squid Has Captured Me!

Help!!!! I’m being held captive by the NetFlix show Squid Game! I don’t WANT to watch it. It’s far too violent and bloody for my taste. So why do I keep going back? Am I addicted?

I admit that I find it an interesting study of human greed, sacrifice, stupidity, compassion, cruelty, selfishness, and group dynamics. All the things that hooked me on Survivor. But the violence…the blood…the adrenalin flow….

Will I watch season 2 when it comes out? Probably. If for no other reason than I’m fascinated by how there could even be a season 2 after they kill off everybody.

I urge you, dear readers, NOT TO WATCH THIS SHOW! Do NOT get hooked like us other damned souls!

Powerlessness of Love, Trust, and Sorry

Today’s Thursday Thought quote offers some ancient wisdom that causes us to consider some emotions we simply accept as valid.

Early Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is weeks away, but I’m starting early on the thanks part. During California’s terrible drought, we’ve almost forgotten that the gift of rain exists. Recently, we’ve been getting smatterings of that precious substance. Not a whole lot. Not hard or frequent enough to refill our ground water and reservoirs. Still, as I experience this week of several days of blessed rain, I am very, very thankful. I will continue to conserve water and continue giving thanks for every drop we’re gifted with.

Please Explain Your Vaccine Position

I’m seeing demonstrations on the news–parents protesting getting their kids Covid-vaccinated in order to attend school. Not just the vaccinations for 5 -11 year-old kids, which isn’t approved yet, but also for teens, which is approved.

What I don’t understand is the claim that it’s a parent’s CHOICE. Can someone explain to me why other vaccinations required to attend school are acceptable (e.g., polio, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, mumps, chick pox) but not for Covid? All the others have stopped or prevented epidemics like the one we’re having now, so is their CHOICE to keep from protecting our children and ourselves?

I’m sorry. I just don’t get it.

A Worthwhile Use for Your Empty Boxes

In 2012, Monika Wiela, an online shoe-store owner, was moved by a homeless man holding a sign saying he needed shoes. She came back later with shoes for him, but he was gone and she had lost her chance to help him. She knew that about 11 million tons of shoes, clothing, bedding, towels, etc. go into landfills yearly, since online buying is now the way most people like to shop. She thought about all those boxes delivering purchases and wondered what she would do with all of the empty boxes in her warehouse. So she formed Give Back Box, a non-profit engaging major retailers in a recycling project in which the Earth and people in need both benefited. Read her story at Then gather all those empty boxes around your house, fill them with reusable clothing, shoes, and other good stuff, and go to or another partner listed at the Give Back Box site, print a free shipping label (and tax receipt, if you want), and send it on its way. Give it a try.

Hemp Can Save the World?!

I didn’t realize these two plants were so versatile. We should grow (and use) more of it.

Drink Coffee for Your Health

I’m not drinking any more coffee than I used to, but now I do it secure in the knowledge that it’s actually GOOD FOR ME!  AARP cites nutritionists and medical researchers who say that drinking a cup or three of coffee benefits our risk of diabetes, protects our heart, brain, and mood, and makes our workout more effective.  For details, read Five Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee.


I’ve had a lot going on in my life recently, making me feel stressed over not having enough time to do everything. So, when I saw today’s quote, it really hit home. I offer it to you for today’s Thursday Thought. I hope it helps you de-stress. It did me.