Archive for admin

Kindness of Strangers

Sometimes–often, actually–I’m proud of and grateful to my fellow human beings.

My husband had a difficult time with his health for several weeks and was feeling well enough to “escape” the house and go out for lunch.  The lunch was great, but it tired him out.  I left him sitting in front of Armadillo Willy’s BBQ, a spot of their delicious sauce on his sleeve, and went to get the car.  A few yards out of the parking space and I knew I had a flat tire.  I pulled into a double space, straddling the line so there was room to change the flat and was getting my handicap scooter out of the car, with the idea of having my husband hang on to me as he walked to the safety of the car.

Along came a woman who had been in the restaurant with us, learned what was going on, and insisted that she pick him up in her car and bring him to me.  Then a man, Alex, wandered by and offered to change the tire, saying he could do it before AAA could even dispatch the call.  He couldn’t do it with the tools we had, so he dropped my husband off at home (about three miles away).  Then he actually went by his own home and picked up better tools.  He found me waiting for AAA, who was due in another 15 minutes.  Instead of leaving, he hung around and talked with me.

Between Alex’s two times with me several people–some walking, some driving–stopped by to offer help.

I wish I could express how much all this meant to me, how much their actions, which seemed small to them, were huge to me.  With so much animosity and negativity in the news, it felt good to be the recipient of the kindness of these strangers.

As I said, it makes me grateful and proud.

Eye for an Eye

“An eye for an eye.”  God gave this rule to His simple people wandering the desert to help them put things into perspective.  He knew they acted out of impulsive vengeance, and He wanted them to think before they acted.  Then Jesus came and refined the process by emphasizing compassion.  Christians take note: every month our society turns its back on Jesus’ teaching by executing a man.  Eventually we’ll get to everyone on Death Row…unless we act as followers of Jesus.  We must write letters and emails and make phone calls to our governor and state representatives.   They need to be reminded that most people favor alternatives (like life-imprisonment).  They recognize that each stated opinion represents a multitude of silent others who feel the same way.  This  means that your one little letter DOES count!  They know they must listen to us because, after all, elections are coming soon.

Cheap Water?

Whether because of convenience, taste, advertising hype, or whatever, so many people use bottled water, even at home. It seems worth the price. But is it? This chart explain the actual cost. (By the way, the taste is usually because of chemicals, like chlorine, used to purify the tap water. If you draw a container–I use a 1.5 ltr. beverage dispenser–and let it sit out for several hours, uncovered, the taste goes away and it tastes like bottled water. Cap it and put it into your fridge.)

America’s Great Leaders

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton were bitter rivals.  As men, they often showed their dislike of one another.  But as leaders of our nation, they set aside that animosity, because they were united in a higher goal: creating and uniting a “federation of distinct regional and economic interests bound by core principles and liberties upon which a carefully balanced national government could function and thrive.”  These men showed greatness.

Today we have the same goals and ideals, but the divisions have been allowed to set up warring camps in Congress.  Instead of looking for the best possible compromise to serve the largest number of people and keep our nation’s ideals intact, our leaders are standing their ground, mired in party politics.  Anything proposed by one side is an automatic “No!” on the other side.

On this Independence Day I ask, Where is the greatness shown by our founding fathers?  How did we get so far off track?  More importantly, how do we get back?  The people leading us need to take a lesson from those four great men who were able to put aside petty differences for the greater good.

Time to Pause

War, shootings, riots, murders, road-rage, abuse, hateful remarks….we are living in a pretty dark world. But today’s Thursday Thought quote, if practiced often, can help us live a calmer life that can brighten our existence.


for just a second.

a moment.

and be grateful.

even if life isn’t perfect.

but be thankful

for the life you get to live.

for the stories.

the adventure.

and for those

you are blessed to love.


     Rachel Marie Martin

First Senior Moment (Cartoon)

As a senior who sometimes forgets things, I found this cartoon amusing. And somewhat comforting. If the problem goes back that far, I am not alone! I thought today, in the midst of all the negative stuff going on around us, would be a good time for a bit of levity.

Court Is Not Supreme Decison-Maker

Note that the Supreme Court did NOT BAN abortion. They interpreted the case as outside the Constitution and, therefore, in the hands of each state to decide.

If you are pro-choice, you’re wasting your time and energy demonstrating against the Supreme Court. Instead, put that time and energy into the mid-term (and all) elections. Research to find out which candidates reflect your view and elect them. In other words, vote out of office those in your state that are making laws that ban abortion. And vote in candidates whose votes on the federal level will reflect your convictions. You should be doing this each election, anyway, so that people are elected that actually represent you. That’s the way democracy works–but only if you participate in it.

Basically, then YOU are the decisions makers. Act like it.

Big vs. Little Bang

This suggestion is making the social media rounds. I thought it worthwhile to pass on here, as 4th of July quickly approaches. I think it’s the difference between a useless big bang and a little bang that matters.

How Does that Chocolate Score?

Chocolate is wonderful, but not to everyone, and not all chocolate. This chart is a couple of years old, so the rankings may have changed. It does, however, show what is involved in the luscious treat in addition to our enjoyment, and it indicates efforts various companies are making to improve the experience for all of us.

Door Knockers, Be Advised

Within the last few weeks I’ve had people knocking on my door to sell me solar, convert me to their religion, contribute to a kid’s sports league, and sign me up for pest-control (ironic, since they’re the pest!). They ignore my “No Solicitors” sign (maybe none of them can read?). I want one of these signs: