For years, there’s been a TV ad that wants to make me scream over all others–the Kars for Kids ad. I rush to mute the TV and look away quickly. Now there’s a second one. It’s for Jardiance. People dance with joy and sing about “the little pill with a big story to tell.” UGGGGGG!
Archive for admin
Gang Tattoos and Kids’ Lives
Gangs take their toll in violence, promote anti-social behavior, and alienate young people from their families and their non-gang member friends. Part of that life is tattoos, proudly advertising gang affiliation and crimes committed. Those tattoos remain forever, interfering with the youth’s ability to re-enter non-gang society or get a job. Do you know a 14-25-year old ex-gang member with gang-tattooed face, hands, neck, or wrists? Google “Gang Tattoo Removal for Teens” to help them find a free program or business that removes tattoos so they have a chance at a better future.
It’s Getting Nastier
Campaigns for President and Congress people, obstruction and name-calling in Congress, threats and lies toward judges, truth-twisting on social media…. I wish we’d all hang this sign in our homes to remind us of who Americans used to be.
I Did It, But…
When I was asked to do a videotaped interview (rather than previous non-video), I was hesitant. Person-to-person I’m fine, but video makes me nervous, as you can see. Since I promised to put it on social media, here it is. (First 70 seconds is explanation of the Women Over 50 podcast.)
Bite the Bullet
If you’ve read my posts awhile you know that my love for phrase-origins sometimes surfaces. Today I offer “bite the bullet,” meaning to do or accept something you strongly disagree with. You’ve seen this in Westerns or war movies. A doctor tells a patient that what they’re about to do will hurt a lot, but they’ve run out of pain killers or anesthesia. They then give the patient a bullet and told to bite down hard to relieve some of the pain. It was just a distraction, but sometimes it actually worked, sort of.
Mothers’ Secrets
Here are 10 things your mother never told you. But, speaking as a mother, it was all worth it!
Happy Mother’s Day!
To People Who Judge Me
When people judge me and try to tell me what I’m doing wrong, I’d like to refer them to today’s Thursday Thought quote.
Child Predator Grooming
Because we never know for sure who’s a sexual predator, it’s important that we know the signs of when one is “grooming” a child. Parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers, parishioners, neighbors–any of us adults who have children we care for and want to look out for…we all need to know the signs so we can keep our children safe.
Here’s a list of the basic steps a predator takes in the grooming process. For an explanation of each, read the single-page fact sheet Behaviors of Sexual Predators: Grooming.
- Targeting the victim.
- Gaining the child’s trust.
- Filling a need.
- Isolating the child.
- Sexualizing the interaction.
- Maintaining control.
Six steps. That’s all it takes to ensnare a child.
One step–our intervention–is all it takes to save a child.
I Survived Because of these People
While I was in the grips of polio at age 3 and for the rest of my life as I experience weakness and other symptoms resulting from polio, I’ve depended on doctors for medical decisions but even more on nurses. They encouraged me, gave me hope, held my hand during pain and this child’s fear of surgery. Today, on National Nurses Day, I want to say THANK YOU!
Poisoning your Laundry
Liquid and sheet fabric softeners are “the most toxic product produced for daily household use” (Allergy and Environmental Health Assn.). Most contain toxins that can harm the brain and nervous system. Instead, dissolve 1/2 cup of baking soda in the wash water before adding your clothes.
[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).