They’re advertised as safe, non-toxic sensory toys for children, yet they can harmful at least, deadly at worst, for children. ERs are seeing thousands of kids endangered by the beads. Read details at Are Water Beads Toxic? Or view Consumer Report’s video The Dangers of Water Beads.
Archive for admin
In case you aren’t aware, I want to warn you of a scam I started to get caught up in before I wised up. I posted a few items for sale on NextDoor, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. I got enthusiastic buyers. They’re “cautious” and ask if they can send me a 6-digit number to verify I’m real. The one time I fell for it, it supposedly didn’t work, so they needed additional info, including cell numbers of friends to help us seal the deal using their phone. If you Google this you’ll find it’s a current scam, a way for the bad guys to collect more info on us to rob us. Be careful! Especially on Marketplace.
If “the Creek Rise” You Won’t Get Wet
Here’s one for my readers who like the history and original meaning of old phrases. “God willing and the Creek don’t rise” has nothing to do with flooding. Benjamin Hawkins, who wrote these words in the late 1800s, was a diplomat dealing with native Americans. The President of the United States asked him to return to Washington, DC, on some political matter. His response was that he would do so, “God willing and the Creek don’t rise.” Because he capitalized the first letter of “Creek,” it’s obvious that he was talking about the Creek tribe, not a waterway.
A bit of Americana historical trivia….
An Important Fight
2/3 of Alzheimer’s disease victims are women; they’re more likely (by 2/230 than men to get it, and they live longer with it. 6.7 million people over age 65 in the US. have it…73% over 75. Each year, 3 million new cases are diagnosed. It’s more deadly than breast and prostate cancer combined. Learn more during Nov., which is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and support research to fight it.
Is There Something I’m Missing?
I must be missing some bit of information or ability to understand. Often things don’t seem,well, logical to me. Let me give you three examples.
#1–My TV-provider just installed a new type of box on my TV. The tech gave me one sheet of skimpy operating instructions, which left me with many questions. He referred me to the Help topics on the TV. After much trial and error, I found them (not much help). Included there are instructions to install the box myself rather than using a technician. My question is this: How do I get to “Help” or installation instructions if the box isn’t already installed and I know how to find what I need?
#2–When I phone in to the company handling my internet service so I can report a problem with my internet, I wait through “hold,” which includes a cheery reminder that I can get many of my internet problems solved by going to www.[and their address]. Which raises the question, How can I go to their website if my internet isn’t working?
#3–We have a local program to help the elderly and disabled with needed transportation. Qualifications limit a person’s income, and anyone living close to a bus line doesn’t qualify. Yet, a person must go to the agency’s office in person to apply, and they don’t provide transportation to the interview. Question: If I’m elderly or disabled, can’t afford a taxi, and don’t live near a bus stop, how can I get there to prove that I’m elderly or disabled?
Please, someone, explain this to me.
[If you have run across similar Catch-22s, I’d love to hear about them. I can’t be the only confused person out here.]Top 10 to Recycle
The National Recycling Coalition lists the top 10 items to recycle: aluminum, PET plastic bottles, newspaper, corrugated cardboard, steel cans, HDPE plastic bottles, glass containers, magazines, mixed paper, and computers.
[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).
Debate Coaches and Teams are Sick
These so-called presidential candidate “debates” really have torn at my ex-debate-coach heart. These have been merely childish, rude arguments and cut-downs. Any high school debate that was run this way would be suspended from the debate league until they came up to high school standards. If these fiascoes are going to be called “debates,” let them be carried out in the spirit and rule of actual debates, in which views on serious matters are discussed intelligently and the moderators maintain control toward that end. Otherwise they’re useless to us voters.
Surround Yourself
For today’s Thursday Thought, let’s look at who we associate with.
“Surround yourself with people who talk about visions and ideas, not other people.” — Unknown
Another Sneak Peek
Before a roofer caused a leak resulting in major damage inside my house so I had to move out and be half-crazy, I was giving you a weekly peek at a chapter of my book The Women in Me: How they helped Me Survive and Thrive. I’d like to go back to that on Wednesdays. You can learn more about the authors, book, and where to get it by going to and see short summaries of Ch. 1-7 in my earlier postings here. Onward…
Ch 8 Looking for Love (in All the Wrong Places): The groups not giving her what she was looking for, this inexperienced dater lets loose with a variety of men. Her experiences range from party-people to hippies, from disappointing to humorous. Finally, she realizes that she has been ignoring her Influencers, yet they were at work within her.