Although today’s Thursday Thought quote is addressed to women who find themselves burdened by a label — and most women have this experience — it’s something all of us should consider and encourage.
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How I Became a CEO
Ch 15 of my book, The Women in Me: How They Heped Me Survive and Thrive, is titled “Chief Executive Officer” because it describes how Nancy evolves into one. It dawns on her that her home is like a business, making her its Chief Executive Officer. With that mindset, she embarks on seriously repairing and updating her home. Using a hands-on approach, she sets goals, makes strategic plans, hires workers, and enlists her daughter as Chief Operating Officer. She could do it, she knew, because her Influencers had been CEOs of their own homes and lives. [For more info, go to Or order a print copy or eBook from your favorite online book seller.]
What Did You Say…?
Most of us know someone with hearing loss. If we’re honest, we admit that we’re not always sure how to talk to them. We even avoid conversation with them sometimes. This may be frustrating to you, but imagine how it makes them feel. Especially since there’s such a simple solution. This chart explains how a hearing impaired person wishes you’d talk with them.
Who Needs a Farmer’s Market?!
For today’s Sensible Saturday eco-idea, I offer this chart, which gives a good idea of why farmers’ markets are so valuable not only to our healthier diet but also to our communities as a whole. (For more wallet-and-Earth friendly ideas, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget at your favorite e-book provider.)
Where You Are
During this time of year, we can feel overwhelmed by what we want or need to do. Today’s Thursday Thought quote reminds us where we need to be at this moment.
Disbelief, Doubt, and Guilt
Ch 14: Ray has died. The scene is vivid in her mind. Her emotions bubble over remembering his family’s ill treatment of her at the hospital and later. She recalls grieving the loss of her beloved while, at the same time, being at odds as to what to do to deal with them and with practical matters Ray had overseen. Gaining self-confidence, she thinks about home improvements, only to face guilt over the possibility that she might be erasing Ray from their home. She questions herself, including whether she acted correctly during his illnesses, which heaps on more guilt. How do her long-deceased Influencers help her?
Giving Tuesday: Simple Ways to Celebrate
Today is “Giving Tuesday,” a holiday designed to balance out the self-absorbed madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. On this day, business, charities, communities, and families enter into the spirit of giving. EVERYONE can participate. If not with our wallets, then with our excess food in our pantries or the second Buy-one/Get-One-Free item. With that like-new clothing we loved when we bought it but know we’ll never wear. With those toys our kids opened Christmases ago but sit in their boxes, unplayed with. With blankets and rain ponchos for the homeless who are about to be caught in what promises to be a harsh winter. Or simply with the gift of our time: to help at a shelter or soup kitchen; to visit a lonely elder in a nursing home; to comfort a grieving family; to be with a troubled child. I hope Giving Tuesday expands to Giving Everyday. During this month, though, it turns the madness into a loving anticipation of a Christmas season packed with all the meaning it’s supposed to have.
Black Friday — Wrong Color
BLACK FRIDAY sales are upon us. This event is definitely misnamed. Think about the purpose of all the hype: to sell stuff. Much of the goods sold will go on credit and debit cards. And there are actually still people who reach into their pockets for paper and bits of metal and pay that way. No matter what the method, though, it’s a river of money flowing away from us and into companies’ reservoir of profits.
Overall, that’s good for the economy…but not for individuals and families with too little saved up at this time. In other words, many people are adding to their burden of debt. Doesn’t that put them into the RED? Then, shouldn’t the event be called RED Friday?
Can She Choose a Hat?
Ch 13 Two Tattered Hats: Like many women, caring for an extremely ill husband fell to her. Grasping the harsh reality that the roles of wife and caregiver are not compatible, she found herself switching hats constantly. It took its toll on her physically, mentally, and emotionally. She struggled with exhaustion. She questioned her actions. She mourned the loss of parts of the marriage relationship. She fought her own isolation. She felt guilt at sometimes just wanting to run away. Could she have the strength she observed of her Influencers as they went through life-changing situations?
My Dollar IS Going Farther!
I’m hopeful! When I did Thanksgiving shopping yesterday, I thought I was getting more bang for my buck. Today’s news showed I was right. Problem is, improvement is slow enough that it doesn’t feel like it’s happening. BUT IT IS!