Spring–Get to Work!

Spring started this past Tuesday.  You know what that means: soon the itch to clean will appear as a rash on your psyche. This year, do your Spring cleaning the Earth-friendly way.  First, choose your cleaning products.  Avoid toxic ones that are corrosive, harmful to your skin, or flammable.  Buy those with labels that say they’re eco-friendly or biodegradable.  Or ask me to send you directions for some homemade cleaners and make them yourself. Next, reuse some of your trash.  Bits of old clothing make good rags; other items might help people directly or indirectly via local thrift shops.  What’s left over, recycle…like batteries and light bulbs at Lowes, paint at Kelly-Moore and home-improvement stores, metal at a local recycler, and electronics at often-held school fund-raisers.  And, of course, use your imagination to reuse: pieces of broken plates make colorful ground-cover and an unwanted picture frame can be turned into an earring-holder.  In short, think Pinterest, not garbage can.  And have some fun in the process, because that enthusiasm to clean will fade quickly.

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