The City Pushed Me into a Busy Street!

And I’m glad they did.  As I tried to negotiate Santa Teresa Blvd. in my scooter and with my dog on her leash, I hit construction cones and barriers at every corner, making me hunt up a driveway so I could access the bike lane until the next block.  When I looked at the painted markings, I saw that curb-cuts were being put in.   I realize this isn’t out of the goodness of their hearts—when major work is being done to a road, as currently with Santa Teresa, they’re required to put in curb-cuts and repair old ones–but it’s happening.  I didn’t like cars zipping within inches of me, and my dog couldn’t understand why I kept yanking her as close to me as possible.  Eventually, the results will be marvelous.  It will be nice not to have to go a block out of my way to get around inaccessible curbs on corners.

Here’s another thing that makes me feel good.  Poor old Santa Teresa Blvd., like so many city streets, have been crumbling along with the economy.  The City can now afford to make repairs.  That’s a sign of an economy that may be struggling but is inching its way up.

It’s worth it to me to hold off on walks awhile.  Now, if I can only explain it to my walk-deprived dog….

Smiley At Work Sign




  1. victoria Flynn says:

    It’s about time! hopefully they will do repaving the road tooo! The state of the road is horrible; especially in front of the YMCA. Also near Snell and Santa teresa!

    • admin says:

      Unfortunately, I think the patches constitute the work they plan to do. The road really does need a total re-do, especially since it’s such a busy thoroughfare. At least our tires only jiggle over the patches now rather than thumping into the multitude of potholes and cracks. That’s progress…???

    • admin says:

      Take a look! It seems they ARE laying down some new surface on Santa Teresa! It’s a miracle!