You’ve decided to give in to the kids and get a dog. But you want the perfect breed for your family. So you go online and search. Be careful! Some ¾ of those online dog sites are fake. They aren’t where they say they are or even have pups for sale. Right now, this is especially true for Yorkshire Terriers and French Bulldogs because they’re so popular. What often happens is that they end up claiming they never got the money you sent them, or they add new, usually large, fees after you’ve paid them (for insurance, shipping, etc.).
In 2020, more than $3 million was lost, with a median loss of $750.
To be safer, if you fall in love with a dog online, insist on seeing the animal in person or the seller and dog on Zoom or Facetime. Even then, they could pull a bait-and-switch. My recommendation is frequent trips to the local animal shelter or going on NextDoor or some other community-based social media where other people know the person. There are many dogs who have been abandoned or a family needs to re-home.
Once you add a pet to your family, enjoy its unconditional love. And keep reminding the kids that they said they’d take care of it.