Archive for December 13, 2023

Cat Butter

(Preview of Ch. 16 of The Women in Me–How they Helped Me Survive and Thrive, “Butter-ing Me Up.”) A pet often brings brightness into beleaguered people’s lives. Butter was no exception. This special-needs cat enriched the lives of both people he owned, especially the author’s. He acted as co-caregiver for Ray, then grieved with her when he died, giving her solace as she transitioned into widowhood. Oddly enough, she had never been a cat person. Nobody in her family had been. Butter, though, was her version of what her Influencers embraced that brought them comfort and joy.

The Pink Tax

Have you experienced the “pink tax“? That’s the extra amount that women pay for their goods and services than men pay for theirs. The most common items are body wash, razors, hair care, deodorant, and shaving cream. With women making only 84 cents/hr. compared to men, this “tax” hurts, especially women of color.

It Was a Great Day!

I had a great day signing my books at Booksmart last Saturday. I met some interesting people and made some contacts. The day was chilly, but the conversations were warm. (

Weight-Loss and Gas

Many cities have bike-share programs. Rent a bike for an hour or a day to run errands, sightsee, etc. If all Americans aged 10-74 walked or biked half an hour a day instead of driving, we would save 6.5 billion gallons of gas and lose 3 billion pounds off our bodies.

For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).

Comma On, Now…

You know about the Oxford comma (AKA serial comma). There’s a new one–the Apple comma. When I write texts via voice, my iPhone corrects me by sticking in a comma if I hesitate or take a breath or, often, just as I’m dictating. I haven’t figured out yet exactly what the Apple punctuation rule. My years as an English teacher and writer keep getting in the way of my figuring it out.

Women Being Labeled

Although today’s Thursday Thought quote is addressed to women who find themselves burdened by a label — and most women have this experience — it’s something all of us should consider and encourage.

How I Became a CEO

Ch 15 of my book, The Women in Me: How They Heped Me Survive and Thrive, is titled “Chief Executive Officer” because it describes how Nancy evolves into one. It dawns on her that her home is like a business, making her its Chief Executive Officer. With that mindset, she embarks on seriously repairing and updating her home. Using a hands-on approach, she sets goals, makes strategic plans, hires workers, and enlists her daughter as Chief Operating Officer. She could do it, she knew, because her Influencers had been CEOs of their own homes and lives. [For more info, go to Or order a print copy or eBook from your favorite online book seller.]

What Did You Say…?

Most of us know someone with hearing loss. If we’re honest, we admit that we’re not always sure how to talk to them. We even avoid conversation with them sometimes. This may be frustrating to you, but imagine how it makes them feel. Especially since there’s such a simple solution. This chart explains how a hearing impaired person wishes you’d talk with them.

Who Needs a Farmer’s Market?!

For today’s Sensible Saturday eco-idea, I offer this chart, which gives a good idea of why farmers’ markets are so valuable not only to our healthier diet but also to our communities as a whole. (For more wallet-and-Earth friendly ideas, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget at your favorite e-book provider.)