Another Sneak Peek

Before a roofer caused a leak resulting in major damage inside my house so I had to move out and be half-crazy, I was giving you a weekly peek at a chapter of my book The Women in Me: How they helped Me Survive and Thrive. I’d like to go back to that on Wednesdays. You can learn more about the authors, book, and where to get it by going to and see short summaries of Ch. 1-7 in my earlier postings here. Onward…

Ch 8 Looking for Love (in All the Wrong Places): The groups not giving her what she was looking for, this inexperienced dater lets loose with a variety of men. Her experiences range from party-people to hippies, from disappointing to humorous. Finally, she realizes that she has been ignoring her Influencers, yet they were at work within her.

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