Archive for January 4, 2022

Barking Up the RIGHT Tree with Your Preschooler

(CNN)With our busy schedules and reliance on technology for entertainment, it’s hard for little ones to get enough of the outdoor physical activity that’s crucial for healthy development.

And during a pandemic when parents are especially crunched for time, it’s even harder to ensure that happens.

But one solution could be lying right at your feet, said a study published in the journal Pediatric Research. Owning, walking and playing with a family dog could encourage your toddler’s social and emotional development.

In fact, toddlers from dog-owning families who participated in the study were 30% less likely to have conduct and peer problems in comparison to preschoolers from families who didn’t own dogs, the researchers found. Even at this age, toddlers could indeed benefit from interacting with a pet while supervised.

READ MORE AT A family dog could help your preschooler learn social and emotional skills, study finds

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Joy to the Dying

When someone is dying, we don’t know what to do. We’re uncomfortable and not sure of what to do or say. Think about what this dying person is thinking and feeling as a friend visits. Then you’ll know exactly what matters to them.

Today, once again, you’ve brought me joy.  Lying here, my body winding down in preparation to meet my God, I don’t get much joy.  You’ve sat by my bed these weeks and given me your friendship.  You’ve read the newspaper to me, stopping to make comments on how humans take ourselves ‘way too seriously.  You read that new book by the author I love, aloud, cover to cover.  You excused yourself so the hospice people could care for me, then returned and handed me a sip of water before settling in to watch TV with me, making fun of the commercials.  You always start your visit with news about people we both know, and reminiscences of happy times.  Then, as I grow tired, you stay while I nap, knitting quietly, reaching out to touch my hand from time to time so I don’t feel alone.  Finally, we pray together, and you say, “See you later.”   I know that’s true, either tomorrow or in Heaven.  You are a true friend.  You are true Joy.