Recapturing America

I remember two decades ago, when we were all Americans. We clung to each other, cried with each other, consoled each other, and drew close as a unified family. As one, we got angry at what had been done to us and determined to rebuild rather than cower and give in. It didn’t matter what color our skin was, what part of the country we lived in, what version of God we worshipped, how rich or poor we were, whether we had a prestigious job or no job at all, what political beliefs and ideologies we held. All that was set aside, because our HOME had been attacked!

Over the last 20 years, that feeling has been replaced by hatred, suspicion, division, partisanship, acceptance of lies, and me-ism, and it saddens me deeply.

I want that American spirit back, the one that we had after 9/11. It shouldn’t take another tragedy. All it takes is each of us becoming determined to recapture the family-feeling we had back then.

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