About Those Movies……

DID YOU SEE THAT?  The “good guy” is a murderer, the “heroine” can’t live without sex until the next commercial, and we’re supposed to cheer at the explosions and torture.  Such is common TV and movie fare.  Violence, cruelty, and lust not only sell, they also demean life, cheapening it and making it seem okay to hurt people.  Kids pick up on this and are formed by their perceptions. Our family refusing to watch these programs and movies is a step forward.  Taking yet another step, we can explain to our kids why our family doesn’t watch them, thus raising a more caring, sensitive next-generation.  One more step is to write letters to the theater, TV station, film-maker, and advertisers, reminding them that their profits depend on giving us what we want our family to see.  If I do that, and so do you, and our friends, and people they know ….  It’s the snowball-effect, possible even in a sunny city! 

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