Do You Kiva or PayPal?

You know what PayPal is, but how about Kiva? It’s an organization that gives micro-loans to people all over the world, loans that educate children, start or grow small businesses, advance health–all sorts of things. But all loans contribute to the well being of families and whole towns or villages. You choose which of the hundreds of people to use your money for a little while.

Yes, you get your money back! This is a real loan.

Right now, for a limited time, your $25 loan to Kiva, paid through PayPal, gives you an additional $25 to invest in another person or family. PayPay kicks in $25 for every $25 you loan through Kiva.

Try it. Go to and lend. Then wait for notices from Kiva about the person or group you selected and watch as your money is repaid.

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