Some Thoughts for Pearl Harbor Day

I remember visiting the Arizona Memorial in Hawaii.  During the film showing the horrors of the attack on Pearl Harbor my eyes blurred with tears.  Then there was the choppy boat trip to the monument, a short distance from other coffin-ships which suffered the same fate as the Arizona.  Entering the monument, I saw the too-many names filling the cold marble walls. We talked in hushed tones, the meaning of what we saw crushing our hearts.  The thoughtful quiet continued through the trip back to land. I prayed silently: for those whose names appear on the wall, for those still in their watery graves near the monument, for all their families, for the men and women in battle all over the globe, and, most of all, for leaders of large nations, small countries, and self-serving political factions to remember that we’re all part of one human family.  And for all of us, that we may practice peace in our own individual lives and keep urging our legislators to work toward the goal of peace on Earth.



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