I’m not sure who wrote this, but I really like it and want to pass it on. Bookmark this blog or save this off for a tough, frustrating day, when you’ll really need this reminder.
Archive for February 28, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday: Heart-Felt Purpose
Happy (?) Polar Bear Day
Today is International Polar Bear Day, but it’s not a happy day for the animals. The picture below depicts what is now part of their lives–a mom and her cubs forced to swim long distances because of the melting Arctic ice. In the process, many cubs die. This is a tragic result of habitats drastically altered by climate change.
BP 3 Years–& a Trial–Later
Watch the Jodi Arias trial if you want; I’m keeping an eye on the BP Oil Spill (Gulf of Mexico) trial that started yesterday, almost three years after the incident. Will BP settle, which is the usual route, or go on with the trial? Will they win (probably not) or pay out a shipload of bucks? Will they mend their corporate ways?
I’ve read several articles on the topic. One that brought the situation into focus for me is by “Treehugger,” who does a blog on business and corporate responsibility. Click on http://www.treehugger.com/corporate-responsibility/bp-oil-spill-trial-starts-today.html and check it out for yourself.
Oscar Pistorius’ Handicap
How is Oscar Pistorius “handicapped”? He must be, because so much was made of it during the Olympics and now, with his arrest. (He had to receive bail, his lawyers argued, because his prostheses need to be adjusted monthly.) Yet, I don’t see what it is that he can’t do. He can run, jump, swim, ski, and engage in other sports. He can work, date, make lots of money. He can attract positive attention from women, friends, and sports-lovers, none of whom see him as being at a disadvantage. He seems more “able” than “dis-abled” to me.
So, what is his handicap? It isn’t physical. Maybe it’s an inability to tell the whole truth or to face up to what he has done. No, I’m not pre-judging his guilt; I’m just judging his lack of a physical handicap. And suggesting that the definition of “handicapped” be refined.
Earth-Friendly Tip: Clothes Dryer
Love your clothes dryer. Clean the lint filter often and the vent (from drum to outdoor outlet) at least twice a year. This results in 30% less energy used (up to $40 per year!) and guards against dryer fires, which are usually caused by blocked vents.
[For more easy, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/ view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.]
Trees & “5 Broken Cameras”
The film 5 Broken Cameras woke me up. I’ve had trouble understanding what’s going on in the Left Bank/Gaza region…until seeing this film. Now I have other questions, mainly how Americans can pick and choose whose human rights violations we’re appalled at and whose we support.
I also learned to research before I buy. Recently, when a devout Jewish friend passed away, another member of our little group of friends suggested we honor her memory in a traditional way, by planting a tree in Israel. That seemed appropriate, so I chipped in. Now, however, I understand that our tree will likely be planted on a Palestinian village’s land in preparation for future takeover and building for Israeli settlers. Had I understood the situation, I would have found another way to express my love for my deceased friend.
See the film.
Thoughtful Thursday: Speak Up
Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. The grave will supply plenty of time for silence. (Christopher Hitchens)
Earth-Friendly Tip: Shun Needless Documents
Choose “no” when asked if you want a receipt at the gas pump, ATM, and self-serve checkout. Sign up at your bank for paper-free, on-line options for billing and paying bills and receiving monthly statements. Save trees, cut down on litter, avoid worry that lost receipts and statements will end up in the hands of identity thieves.
[For more easy, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/ view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.]
Dakuwaqa’s Garden
Nature is awesomely beautiful! Click on this video and enjoy five minutes of underwater spectacle that most of us will never see in person.
Thoughtful Thursday: Where it Lies
Ralph Waldo knew what he was talking about: