Loma Prieta Love

This 23rd anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake actually brings back good memories. I remember reports of neighbors knocking on doors to check on each other. People in the streets helping one another to safety. Office mates leading even co-workers they didn’t like down shaky stairs. I remember sharing of food, water, electricity, battery-operated lighting, candles, camp-cooking equipment, and blankets. I remember displaced families being taken into homes or offered the use of RVs stored in driveways.  I remember children being comforted by the nearest adult while another adult captured a wayward pet and placed it into the child’s arms.

I remember all this, and much, much more.  All of it adding up to our saying to each other, “Let’s put aside our differences in opinion, political leanings, race, economic status, religion, and all the other things that divide us.  For now, let’s just take care of each other.”

What saddens me is that it takes such a gut-wrenching event to remind us to do what we should be doing, without pause or question, every day.


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