Tag Archive for trouble

Sleep Better with these Plants

Having trouble sleeping?  Here are some plants that you can put into your bedroom that might very well help you sleep better.



An Upper for a Downer Day

Having a Blue Monday?  Some days we feel there’s nothing but trouble and evil in the world.  When you have one of those days, take a look at these photos.  They’ll remind you that this really is a pretty good world, after all.

The file will appear as a jpeg file ready for you to open.  It’s a safe download of thumbnails.  Double-click on the pictures to enlarge.


[Thanks to Linda Younts for sending me these pictures.]




Summer, Kids, and Parents

School’s out, kids are home–many weeks stretch out.  Here’s a summertime quote that contains a solution for many parents.

“A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp.”  (Raymond Duncan)

[Saturday is the 1st day of summer.  Enjoy!]