Tag Archive for sunscreen

Health Warning–Sunscreen Dangers

We wear sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun. Trouble is, much of the stuff is bad in itself. Some chemicals in it can irritate the skin or cause skin allergies, especially those with ingredients that let the sunscreen sink deeper into the skin so it stays on longer. And we can’t help but inhale some of the spray we put on (not good for the lungs). We know our bodies are taking in these chemicals because tests detect them in our urine, blood, and even breast milk.

The FDA is considering regulations to minimize sunscreen hazards. Eventually sunscreens will be safer. Meanwhile, why not consider alternatives? For example, Zinc oxide and titanium oxide stay on the skin’s surface and aren’t absorbed into the body. Or use an organic, non-toxic product made from natural ingredients. Of course, you can also wear a hat and protective clothing and stay in the shade. But the waves are sooooo inviting….

Whatever you do, be aware and avoid those harmful sunscreens. It’s a good practice for you AND keeps those harmful chemicals from polluting the Earth.