Tag Archive for reality

The Lightning Truth

I couldn’t figure out who was telling the truth, as I listened to various versions of the same news event, all told by people who really should know the truth.  Then one sentence from The Lightning Thief cleared it up for me.  Maybe today’s Thursday Thought will help clarify some things for you.

“It’s funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.” –Rick Riordan

Warm Up With These 12 Common Climate Questions

Every discussion or argument about climate change pretty much revolves around the same issues. The Climate Reality Project boils it down to a dozen questions most often asked by people who don’t believe that climate change is here. Don’t be put off by the title; just go there and see if you’ve heard (or asked) any and see what the answers are.

Go to “The 12 Questions Every Climate Activist Hears and What to Say.” Personally, I’m a “believer,” and I still learned a lot from this article.



Mind-Wrapping Reality

Today’s Thursday Thought is something we all do from time to time:

“It’s funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.”   (Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief)


Where’s all the Money?

How long does an average worker have to work to make what a CEO makes in an hour?  Would you believe one month?  So, the CEO works 360 times harder than the worker, right?  This example shows how skewed the wealth-distribution is.  Imagine a bar graph showing who earns how much money.  Include what you consider ideal and what you think it actually is. Then view this video to see how close your perceptions are to reality. You’ll probably be quite surprised.  I was.
