Tag Archive for product

Decoding the Bar Code

So often I’ve tried to figure out where a product was made, so I look for a “made in” notation on the label. It’s not always there. Now I know a way to tell–by the first three numbers of the bar code. For example, 690, 691, and 692 mean it was made in China, 471 means Taiwan, 750 Mexico, and anything starting with 0 means United States.

For a full list of numbers and their corresponding countries, go to Barcode Prefixes and Product Country of Origin.

Wrap it Up!

I don’t mean this as an ad. I don’t do ads here. But I just discovered something that is practical, reusable (just wash them), biodegradable, and organic–the total package!

We all know about the growing plastic garbage patch in our oceans and about wildlife dying after eating or getting tangled in plastic. What’s probably one of your biggest uses of plastic, especially if you have kids? Plastic wrap and containers.

Check out the Etee Food Wraps. Perfect for lunch box items, preserving cut vegetables, storing things like banana bread, covering bowls in the fridge…all sorts of things. The odd (and nice) part is that the more you buy the less expensive they are–a Family pack (16) is $4 cheaper than a Starter Pack (3), and shipping is free.

Again, I’m sorry if this comes across as an ad. I get excited about products that are good for me and for the environment.

Thinking is Becoming

Thoughts are fleeting things–or are they?  In today’s Thursday Thought quote, Gandhi challenges this idea.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts.

What he thinks, he becomes.”

                                 Mahatma Gandhi

Lick Your Cat

Sometimes Mondays put me in a weird mood.  Today is a good example.  That forces me to share an unusual product with you.  Some cat lovers may really like it.  As for me, well….

Anyway, it’s  called Likibrush, and it allows you to lick your cat clean.  If you don’t beleive it, check it out at http://www.lickibrush.com/#intro.
