Tag Archive for pot of gold

Why Bother Working?

Most of us work hard at our jobs, hoping to get ahead, watching for the next pay-raise, and looking forward to the day when our family is not only out of debt but comfortable enough financially so we can stop worrying about taking a nice vacation.  We in America have a better chance of that, of course, than elsewhere.  But where, exactly, is the world’s pot of gold going?

The Wall Street Journal sums it up like this:  “The super rich are getting super richer.”   According to Oxfam, an international anti-poverty coalition, by next year 1% of people will own more than 50% of the world’s wealth–those 1% will own more than the rest of us combined.

Meanwhile, poverty, malnutrition, disease, homelessness, and wars fought over who gets to use natural resources increase throughout the globe.  And the average frustrated working person struggles to keep from experiencing those conditions.

What’s the answer?  In all fairness, I don’t know.  I wish I did.