Tag Archive for Ohio

Not So Unusual but Should Be

Ohio executed Dennis McGuire over three years ago.  It took him 25 minutes to die, during which time he snorted loudly and gasped several times.  Is this “cruel and unusual punishment”?  The courts looked at the case, then agreed to let Ohio resume executions using the same drug combination.  Despite the fact that the drug that’s supposed to render the person unconscious didn’t do so in many cases, leaving the condemned writing in pain for long periods (like McGuire’s 25 minutes).

Now Ohio is about to carry out a quick series of 27 more executions using that same drug combination, making the practice definitely cruel and, unfortunately, not unusual.

With all the studies showing that the death penalty is not a deterrent, is far more expensive than life-without-parole, and can’t be carried out humanely, no wonder support is widespread in the U.S. for discontinuing this practice.  When are we going to make our laws catch up to our reason?

Jesus and Topless Dancers

I’m going to be slightly irreverent today.  Read no farther if that bothers you.

I read about a pastor in Ohio whose church is near a topless establishment.  He organized his parishioners to carry protest signs, take down licence plate numbers of the bar’s patrons, yell out hell-fire warning to customers, and call the topless dancers whores, prostitutes, and worse.  His reasoning for this was that he takes seriously his duty to see that the “Gospel of Christ is lifted up.”

That sent me to my Bible, which I’m already quite familiar with.  I especially looked at the words attributed to Jesus Christ.  Nowhere do I see Him preaching against toplessness.  Going back to before His time, it isn’t even in the 10 Commandments.

What I do see, though, is His teaching about tolerance and love.  Even if these women were prostitutes, Jesus was known to forgive them, showing them love and support; He didn’t call them names, harass them, or condemn them.

That pastor and I have very different Bibles, as well as views on Christ’s teachings.