Tag Archive for new program

Hope for Defeating Robo-Calls

Next year, plan on half your phone calls being from robo-callers. That’s according to a recent report.

There’s a solution to this–maybe. A program called Stir/Shaken lets your phone company verify the number of your caller, identifying if it’s a valid number or from a robo-caller, then block it. It’s to be larger and more effective than NoMoRobo, which has been great for me. Sounds good.

Not right now, though. It’s supposed to kick in next year. The problem is, nobody knows who will pay for it. Will we have to subscribe to it and pay a big fee, or will the phone companies incorporate it into our current service? And which phone companies will actually choose to use it?

I’m going to contact my phone company and tell them I expect them to add this to my service but not to my bill. I suggest you do the same.