Tag Archive for Mohammed

The Most Excellent Action

Today’s Thursday Thought is a very tall order. Yet, if each of us accomplished even one of these things with at least one person every month…what a world this would be!

“What action is most excellent?  To gladden the heart of a human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the wrongs of the injured.” — Mohammed

Thoughtful Thursday: Harmful Muslims

“Do not kill an old man/woman. Do not harm a child. Do not destroy a tree or water wells. Do not kill an animal.” (Prophet Mohammed, in the Hadith)

These are instructions given by Mohammed to his army as they headed into war.  The Hadith books are collections of his sayings on various occasions and are considered to be almost as important and sacred as the Coran.*

If only the few militant zealots would follow these words of their Prophet, like most Muslims do, this would be a far more peaceful, loving world.


*My source is Salim Yam, a devout Muslim friend in Moroco, who feels that terrorists’ actions in the name of Allah are abhorrent.