Tag Archive for limit

Binding, Limiting, & Control

In today’s Thursday Thought quote, Marianne Williamson reminds us of exactly what it is that binds, limits, and controls us.

More Speed?

It’s human nature to get impatient when we can’t drive as fast as we want to. Sure, we’d save only a few minutes by going 75, 85, or 90 instead of the posted 65, but, hey, every few minutes counts.

Trouble is, those saved few minutes cost 10,000 people (37,000 over 25 years) a year their lives, plus all the speeding-related injuries. Sure, visibility and road conditions (%$#@!!! potholes and curvy hills) contribute to the problem, but isn’t that more reason to slow down and be safe?

Since the 1990s, states have been increasing speed limits. In addition, our cars have become more sophisticated and safer. Both of these lead to driver over-confidence, pushing the gas pedal even farther down.

If it’s so important to get there a few minutes early, why not leave your house a few minutes earlier? In the larger scheme of things, what is more important–those few minutes or 10,000+ human lives?

Read Speed limit increases are tied to 37,000 deaths over 25 years

OK If Lobbyists Write Our Laws?

Interest groups are writing our laws.  It surprised me to learn that a Capitol Tracking study of CA bills introduced during the 2011-12 session found that 27% were written by interest groups.  Lawmakers simply added their names to them, and thy’re not required to acknowledge who actually wrote the bill. The bills that the governor signed into law during that time–60% were sponsored by interest groups and 30% by legislators.  That means that lobbyists–non-elected individuals–are essentially making our laws.

In defense of our elected officials, term limits ensures that most are new to the job.  It takes much of their terms of office to learn a little about a lot of issues and a lot about a few issues.  Then they’re out of a job and new people take over.  They have to depend on someone, then, to advise them.  That’s the lobbyist’s task, and we can only hope that our best interest is being put forward along with whatever it is that the lobbyist is promoting.

Are you happy with the laws being proposed and passed?  In January,Senator David Vitter (R-LA) introduced a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress.   If you think that all Californians are getting fair treatment and protections under our system, support Vitter’s proposal.  If not, let your discomfort with the idea be known to your Congress-member right now.