Tag Archive for invent

Let Children Unearth an Old Idea

Children of all ages love to discover things, even more so as they get older.  Tell your teenage son, for example, that it’s important to care for the earth and he’ll tell you how old and uncool you are; let him discover it for himself and he’ll think his generation invented the idea.  Here’s where books come in.  For young children, have environment-related picture and story books available for rest- and bed-times.  Later, when they’re ready for browsing the library, lead them to books emphasizing earth-friendly themes.  When it’s book-report time, suggest a paperback that’s interesting and easy to read, one that, incidentally, promotes caring for the earth.  The librarian at school or the public library can suggest titles.  Feel free to contact me for a starter-list of age-appropriate books. Maybe your children didn’t really invent the idea of caring for their planet, but they’ll become adults who will reinvent the world as a cleaner, healthier home for us all.