Tag Archive for hire

En-Abling Theatre

Here’s an interesting new concept for the Arts–theatre with performers exclusively from the disabled community. There’s a lot of talent among them, but Hollywood casts what I call the “temporarily non-disabled”* into roles of characters with disabilities. That’s the case with live theater, as well.

The National Disability Theatre, created by a group of theater artists, will offer opportunities for talented individuals with disabilities to perform in major productions. In the process, they’ll be showing the world that the disability isn’t the person–and educate, say, potential hiring people to the fact that brains, creativity, work ethic, and other valuable employee-assets can NOT be determined by focusing on a person’s limitations.

Read more about this new venture at Disabled Artists Launch National Disability Theatre.

  • “Temporarily non-disabled” because all of us will, sometime in our lives, experience either a short-term or permanent disability.

TV is Promoting Positive Change

I’ve been pleased with some TV programs, notably “The Good Doctor,” “Born This Way,” and “Speechless.”  Finally!  Shows that depict people with disabilities as having actual real productive lives.  More series now include characters in wheelchairs, for example, as part of their regular cast as opposed to window-dressing gliding through in the background.

I have a physical disability, weakened by polio.  But I’m educated, successful, and have a full life–like almost all of my disabled friends. For too long we didn’t see people like us on TV or in the movies (they haven’t evolved yet, though).  On the rare occasion that a disabled person appeared, they were those background-gliders, extras in a hospital, or beggars on the streets.

This new trend is having an effect, too.  With a tightening job market, employers are actually looking toward hiring people with disabilities.  In fact, job statistics show rising employment of that segment of the population.

I’m starting to feel represented.  And I’m seeing more people like me working in shops and venues I frequent.  It’s about time!

What are Your Chances of Being Hired?

We’ve come a long way in banishing discrimination in hiring.  Or have we?  This video presents an interesting–and disturbing–picture.

Thoughtful Thursday: Hire an Ex-Con

Why hire ex-convicts? “At least you know what they’re guilty of.  With everybody else you have to guess.” (character in the Nevada Barr novel, The Rope.)