Tag Archive for helpful

Easy Black Friday

I actually ventured out today.  Normally Black Friday finds me cowering in bed, head covered against the cruel world.  But we’re doing some work on our house and have workmen coming soon, meaning that we needed to purchase a few items sooner rather than later.  We’ve run out of time to order and wait for delivery.

Out we went late this morning, fortified by an extra cup of coffee.  We drove into the parking lot and had our choice of parking spaces.  We walked into the store and there was hardly anyone there. When we had a question, there were lots of friendly, helpful sales people nearby but not in our faces.  There was no blood on the floor from the mad rush of shoppers, or people being carted away in straight jackets or police cars after they dropped over the mental/emotional edge while shopping in an overheated crowd. In fact, shopping was easier than on a typical NON-Black Friday, and with Black Friday deals.

Where is this marvelous store, you may ask?  Next year, try your local home improvement center (we did Lowes and Home Depot).  You’ll find it a satisfying oasis in a tumultuous sales sea.