Tag Archive for ground-down teeth

A Great Huge Nightmarish Disaster

Print and broadcast media have picked it up, and politicians continually sprinkle their verbiage with it.  I’m talking about Trumpese.  Sigh.  It brings out the teacher in me.  So, here, people, is a lesson for you in the form of synonyms so you can improve your vocabulary–and save my ground-down teeth.

Disaster:  calamity, catastrophe, collapse, debacle, defeat, failure, fiasco, harm, tragedy

Nightmare: horror, ordeal, bad dream

Terrible: dreadful, frightful, hideous, horrendous, horrid, abhorrent,appalling, atrocious, awful, dangerous, dire, disastrous, disturbing

Great  and Huge and Tremendous: fantastic, enormous, very large, considerable, immense, vast, mammoth

The English language is so rich, with so many words to choose from.  Please, PLEASE, Mr. President, politicians, and members of the media–PLEASE take advantage of its richness.