Tag Archive for entitlements

A Government Shut-Down is a Good Thing

Let the government shut down. It would be a good thing. It will show the silly majority of lawmakers that, just because they pass a law or program, that doesn’t mean we’ll let them put it into action. It would be good, too, for people on welfare, food stamps, Medicare, and other government entitlement programs so they’d learn that they shouldn’t always depend on staying on the Gimme Track—then they’ll all go out and get jobs, food, housing, health care, and anything else they need, on their own—because they could do it if they really made an effort.  Yes, it might affect those brave veterans who’ve defended our country, but only for awhile, and their families were paid well while they were off to war, so they should have saved enough to get them by.  Besides, it’s not as though we’d be setting a precedent for the U.S. defaulting on our debt; it happened on George Washington’s watch.  Yes, a lot of good would come out of this.  So it’s time that we show those guys what happens when a vocal, stubborn group like us doesn’t get our way.

 [P.S. Vote for me when I run for Congress soon on the Coffee Party ticket, where our motto is, “We’re the caffeine to wake up America.”]

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