July is Make a Difference to Children Month

Who are the most precious yet vulnerable among us?  Our children, of course.  Their lives — physical, mental, and emotional – are always at risk. But we can make a difference through small actions. We can take our son and his friend to the library and help them get excited about choosing their own books to borrow.  Have play-dates at our house so we can get to know the friends.  Help out at our daughter’s school event, at the YMCA, Scouts, or youth group. Organize playground cleanup or renovation.  Urge lawmakers to support bills to feed hungry children, keep them safe from abuse, and find loving foster families. Give a few minutes of undivided attention to listen to a child’s exited story or disappointment, even if it isn’t our own child.  Pray with them.  Teach them by our own example of compassion and peace. Sometimes just some eye contact and a smile reminds a child that they are not invisible or unimportant.  Such actions make children feel wanted, loved, and safe; they make a difference to them now and help them become confident, compassionate adults.

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