I’ve Been Turtled!

If you’ve been reading my blogs awhile, you know that I’m an animal-lover. I’m even a turtle-lover. Her name is Shelley (of course…she has a lovely shell) and she’s a red-eared slider. When my son gave her to me a few years ago, I tried to be enthusiastic. (What the #@&!!! was I going to do with a turtle?) She grew on me, coming over to me when I’m beside her large outdoor tank and looking up at me with eyes that say, “I’ starving! Feed me.” We have a game we play: as I scoop out debris from the surface, she chases the net. She even exercises my Border Collie, who runs around and around the tank, jumping her front paws up onto the edge, while Shelley looks at her from her sunning deck with what I imagine is an attitude of “You don’t impress me…yawn.”

In honor of Shelley (I’ve actually bonded with a turtle?!), I offer you her picture on this World Turtle Day.

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