Did You Miss Parents’ Day?

Yesterday, July 25, was Parents’ Day.

When is the last time you celebrated Parents’ Day?  It’s a national observance that comes every fourth Sunday of July and emphasizes the important role of parents.  The Congressional Resolution, passed in 1994, established it for “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children.”  It focuses on the family, which is the core of any society, caretaker of our religious beliefs, and hope for the future.  Parenting is a huge responsibility, entailing love, sacrifice, patience, and commitment to raising healthy children into caring, responsible adults.  So, visit your parents, step-parents, foster parents, or those who adopted you either formally or informally.  Reminisce about events in your life when you felt their influence, situations when their love or advice lifted you up, times when you really appreciated them.  Maybe you celebrated both Mother’s Day and Father’s day. But this is a special day, too, because it celebrates both parents and the adult their love helped create. If you missed it, celebrate it today.

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