Don’t Be Gaslighted

We’ve heard a lot about “gaslighting” — people using it to attack us about our political, personal, or social beliefs, for example. You may have had someone use one or more of these 6 Gaslighting Phrases People Say to Manipulate you to make you question yourself, your ideas or feelings, even reality itself. Read this start to that Huffpost article, then go to 6 Gaslighting Phrases People Say to Manipulate you to read the rest to learn how to combat such an attack on you.

“Gaslighting, a manipulation tactic often wielded by emotional abusers, gradually makes you question your own judgment, feelings, memories and reality. Because of its insidious nature, it can be hard for victims to recognize it as it’s happening.

“Abusers use gaslighting as a way to gain and maintain power and control in the relationship. They break down your confidence over time by making you think your interpretation of events is incorrect. The more you second-guess yourself, the more you start to believe their version must be the accurate one.

[Cont. Here]

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