Warning: Adult Content

Consider movie rating-descriptions: “Adult Language” and “Adult Content.”  The first one means that most of the language will be made up of words that can’t be used at work, among social groups, or within your family.  The word-choice indicates not a reasonably educated adult but a person who stopped learning when he left the locker room or the sixth-grade playground.

The second means the movie will contain wild sex that occurs only in the dreams of men.  Plus nudity that shows off bodies that appear only on film-sets and the dreams of women.  People will hurt each other with objects they find handy but aren’t lying around my home.  They don’t worry about the just-finished car payments on the vehicles they blow up.  Overall, the more blood and violence, the better.

Is this the definition of “adult” that we want our kids to adopt?  Why do we accept it”?  There has to be a better term.  Maybe ratings like “LLL” (Locker Room Language) and DDD (Deluded Demo-man Daydreams).  Please, anything but “Adult.”

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