An Idea for Labor Day Weekend and Beyond

Labor Day weekend…a few days to relax as summer comes to a close. Here’s something to think about as you relax.

Labor of all types should be respected and honored on Labor Day and always. Even if it’s done so often in front of our eyes that we no longer notice or acknowledge it. Think about it. Do you really see the work your family members do in your home? In your household, who does the cooking, cleaning, laundry, lawn-mowing, car repairs, or bill-paying? Who acts as general contractor, arranging for needed repairs around the home and yard? Who shoulders most of the daily responsibility for child-rearing, including teaching the children morality, consideration for others, faith, honesty, and other attributes that will mold them into caring, productive adults? Who helps them with homework? Do the children do assigned chores–or sometimes just because they choose to help? Take a moment to notice the work being done around you daily and say thank you to the family member doing it. Your little gesture of appreciation honors labor itself as well as your loved one performing it.

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