Solar Impulse Landing

Congratulations to all those on the Solar Impulse project, and congratulations to our making a giant step toward saving our home planet.  

(I love the fact that one of the pilots and a driving force behind the project is named “Piccard,” as in Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise.  Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg truly have “gone where no man has gone before.”)

Watch the video of the landing below or at





  1. flynnsfour says:

    When I saw the video clip on this, in reference to the Picard name, it was this family that Jean-Luc Picard became the name of Captian Picard on The Next Generation. Its an awesome accomplishment!!

    • admin says:

      There’s a difference of a letter in the two names: 1 “c” in the Star Trek captain, 2 in the Impulse pilot. Even so, the similar name struck me as cosmically significant. But then, I can see symbolism in a pile of excrement….