Archive for June 12, 2014

Advice from a Tree

Some thoughts to “leaf” you with today:




America’s Shame

That’s what President Obama calls it, and I agree.  He also pointed out that “we’re the only developed country on earth where this happens.”  And it happens once a week!

It’s well past time to put aside politics and debates over Constitutional rights and come together–reason and act together–to stop school shootings!


Are Your Laurels Worth Resting On?

“You just want to rest on your laurels.”  Is that your hind-quarter, your back, your elbows, or what?  Today I briefly take chalk in hand to explain this odd phrase and how its meaning has changed.  (Then I’ll put my bun, ruler, and other old-fashioned teacher stuff away for awhile again.) The phrase “rest on your laurels” means, of course to be totally satisfied with what you’ve already achieved, to the point that you don’t see the need or have the desire to improve.  It’s really rather negative, used as an insult. But it didn’t begin that way.  It goes back to Ancient Greece, where a laurel wreath was given one as a sign of victory in games.  Then the phrase meant that the person was triumphant, and those who won one were expected to go on to bigger and greater achievements, not sit around feeling that they’ve done enough in their lives–today’s meaning. So, enjoy life’s little victories.  And, remember, laurels are to be preserved and appreciated; if you rest on them they get squished, wither, and die.



How I Edit Your Comments

Yes, your comments do come to me for approval, mainly so that I can delete spam and inappropriate material (we’re G-Rated).  Any I approve, though, I edit in one respect: I delete your email and website addresses.  That’s for the privacy of those of you who don’t want to receive spam just because you commented on my blog.  It’s also so I don’t unwittingly pass on any questionable websites.

So, feel free to comment and know that I’m protecting your privacy (and some of your sanity).



Interesting D-Day Facts

D-Day was the largest-scale over-water attack in the world’s history.  Today is its 70th anniversary.  Read other interesting facts about this historical event by going to an article in the Constitution Daily.



What I MUST Do Today

I’m planning my day:



Welcome to My Updated Website

I’ve just updated my other website ( and invite you to take a look.  Check out (and click on) the Monarch butterfly on the Home page. There’s some of my poetry (Poetry page); the five  most popular blogs since the last time I updated (Pop-Posts page); some suggestions for a useful product and equipment maintenance/safety, plus some disability law, and a thoughtful quote-all for people living with a disability himself or in his family or among her friends (Adept-Able Living page).

While you’re there, look on the Home page for a special offer for my website/blog readers for a good discount on any of my e-books, then go to the My Books page to learn how to apply the offer.

And, as always, I welcome comments!

Thanks for reading.

What’s an American Worth?

Let’s look at value.  There’s much controversy over the prisoner trade to get Bowe Bergdahl back home after spending five years in Taliban captivity.  Of course, there would be less brouhaha if elections weren’t coming up.  But let’s set aside the politics, the “what-ifs,” and “should-haves” for awhile and ask what I think is an important question: How many Taliban members does it take to equal one American?  The answer, obviously, is five, making a single American pretty valuable.

Take that, Taliban!