Bungling Burglar–Vain or Stupid?

This guy should get a regular job, because he’s NOT cut out for a life of crime!  In Minnesota, a burglar entered a home and went about his business.  When he spotted the family computer, he checked his Facebook page, calling up his profile.  He got so busy admiring his picture that he forgot to log out before leaving with his loot–but forgetting a personal item or two.

Enter the police, who immediately grabbed the Facebook clue left for them.  They shared his photo on Facebook and posted a message telling the guy that they had some stuff belonging to him and he could have it back if he contacted them.  He texted the police and showed up to pick up his belongings.

He’s in jail, now, probably wondering what went wrong.

No, a lawbreaking-life is not for this guy!  But he’s good for a chuckle at his expense.


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