Republicans Take Blame?

Republicans have been making some unfortunate verbal gaffs, but I think they really blew it in their daily themes, all of which were to work toward the main theme of “A Better Future.”

First (day 1) they shouted “We can do better!”  Without adding “…than,” they sound like a child facing scowling parents with his less-than-stellar report card.  On Tuesday the battle cry was “We built it,” a take-off on something said by President Obama (not his best speech).  Now, that sounds pretty positive—unless we hook it up in our minds to what everyone agrees is a major election issue, the poor economy.  Do they really want to admit they had any hand in putting us into this dismal position?  I doubt it.  Tomorrow is worse.  After bragging that they “built it” (surely they weren’t calling attention to the fact that the venue they’re in was built with public money), they show a lack of confidence by proclaiming, “We can change it.”  I wonder, if they built it right to begin with, why jump in immediately to change it?  Finally, on Thursday, they’ll announce the one thing all people can understand and grab hold of: “We believe in America.”  Yes!

I just wish they’d started and ended with that.  I myself believe in America…and the fact that, God willing, we’ll all live through another set of conventions, series of disingenuous campaigns,  and nail-biter elections, then come out the other side having only slightly-damaged souls and a renewed determination to work together, as a family of Americans, toward a mutually beneficial, honorable future.

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