Showing Love to Our Loved Ones

Thoughtful Thursday Quote #5

“Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them.  Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them ‘I am sorry’; ‘forgive me’; ‘please’; ‘thank you,’ and all those loving words you know!” —  Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez (“Gabe”)

[We nurture friendships and business relationships but take family for granted, knowing that they’re stuck with us. Yet, practicing humility, compassion, respect, courtesy, and love with them is good practice for dealing with others in our often frantic world.]

One comment

  1. Maxine Bird says:

    Makes a lotta sense. They’re just so handy to take out my mood on or ignore if I’m grumpy or tired. I forget they have feelings. I’ll start today.